Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reunited and Reevaluating

It feels so good to be reunited! To celebrate FGM's return from Kenya, I came home from College to visit and get caught up.  We had a magnificent time talking, shopping, envisioning the future, and just having fun! 

As I listened to FGM tell me about her life changing visit to Africa, I couldn't help but be affected too. The stories of all the children at R.O.C.K. Ministries began to touch my heart and I hope that I too can visit and see the kids and people which have had such an impact on her.  
As I drove down I-80 that night, I had time to think and reflect on the day's events. I thought of all the children at R.O.C.K. FGM left most of her clothes there so that they would have more clothes to wear. I can't possible imagine what that would be like.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty of standing in front of my closet full of clothes and declaring, "I have nothing to wear." My biggest worries usually consist of trying to decide what to wear for Fancy Friday or how late I'm going to have to stay up to write a paper I should have started two days ago.  And it was then that I realized just how materialistic our world is and how I am guilty of being so too.  After I got back to school, I decided to check out that handy dandy book I keep on my desk.  I opened up my Bible to Matthew 6:19-20.  In it, Jesus says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, but where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." However, it was verse 21 that really got me.  It reads, "For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also." I've heard this passage multiple times growing up, but this was the first time I saw this verse in a new light.  Until now, I'd seen it as a verse of encouragement, telling me to store my value with God so that my heart may lie there too.  But now, I view this verse almost as a warning.  If I consider my clothes, car, iPhone and other worldly possessions to be of such great value then it would only make sense that I would devote a large chunk of my time to them.  Jesus is warning us that if we don't make Him the most important treasure of our life than we could lose touch of what it means and feels like to be with Him.  
After this Adventure I not only have one life goal but two.  Go to Kenya and live everyday realizing that Jesus is the only thing I NEED in life.  I want to be different than the rest of the materialistic world. I know what I will do, but the real question is, do you? 

Adventure Details:
~Explored Midtown Crossing! We want to live there! 
~Went to Urban wouldn't have technically been an adventure if we hadn't gone there! 
~Watched YCVB beat College of St. Mary's. Go Panthers! 
~Saw this car at the beginning of the day. Knew it was going to be an interesting day from them on! 

Questions? Please leave a comment! 

~FGM and Jo

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where Oh Where Did FGM & Jo Go?

Sorry World! Our summer got behind us faster than you could say "Holy Humidity!" Although we didn't get a lot of "FGM & Jo" Adventures done, we accomplished a lot on our own! But don't worry! Now that we're back on the same continent we vow to complete many more!

Jo has successfully returned to college! But before she returned, she had quite a fun summer! 

Experienced God's Beauty at Pike's Peak!
Worked with the NCAA at the 2011 Men's College World Series.
Got to meet Hall of Fame Baseball Player
David Winfield! 

While visiting friends in Kansas, saw the
 World's Largest Hairball! 

Explored Denver, not once but TWICE this summer! 

Spent 6 weeks in Kenya working with the children
of R.O.C.K. Ministreis! 

Together we explored the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo with FGM's niece and nephew. That was an adventure in itself!
Hannah & FGM

Benjamin, FGM, & Jo

Nothing beats the Skyfari! 

Until next time, we want to leave you with this quote!
"Our road will be smooth and untroubled no matter what care life may send; if we travel the pathway together, and walk side by side with a friend."-Henry Van Dyke

~FGM and Jo

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Different Isn't Always Bad

Hello fellow Adventurers! 
When exploring new places we often see new and exciting scenery.  This change in scenery not only refers to the buildings, grass, trees, and in our case, the rising river but also to the change in atmosphere and the people in it. On our first Adventure downtown I became aware of just how different it is from West O, where I spend the majority of my time.  Not the only does the way people dress vary, but so does their overall attitude.  In my neck of the woods you pretty much know what to expect.  The person in the car next to you has a chance of being a high school kid, driving the car their parents bought them, listening to their music louder than ever, and proudly donning either their tall Nike socks or the short shorts and UGG the summer. If its not them, then you’re most likely changing carbon monoxide with their parents.  Either their dad, dressed for his day in the business world, probably listening to the radio about Husker football, and catching up on emails on his phone.  Or it might be Mom you’re next to.  Frantically shuffling her kids from place one to the next, while thinking about volunteering for different committees and planning this Sunday’s lesson for church.  But downtown it’s different.  First of all, the people you see are people you pass on the street.  While there are still cars, the majority of people are walking, riding their bike, or venturing out on the little moped. People seem more relaxed, taking each at a time.  And thankfully there are no “tool socks” in sight.  People dress however they want, and no one around really seems to judge them.  It made me think, am I being different, or am I just following the motions like everyone else around me.
When in doubt, check the Bible. God always knows what’s up! In fact, in Romans 12:2 He warns us through Paul’s letter to Rome, “Do not be conformed to this world.” Since childhood, I’ve been reminded that just because everyone else does something or has something, doesn’t mean I need to to do it, or have it too. As I’ve grown older I’ve realized, this applies to my spiritual life too.  Just because my peers choose to participate in things that go against my faith, doesn’t mean I have to do it. At the end of the journey, when you are standing face to face with the Man who died for you, being different will have been worth it. Ultimately, it’s up to you...will you be different? 
Adventure Details:
~Established our summer goal! Eat every pizza on the menu at Goodnights!  
~American Apparel...just a little too much neon for our liking! 
~Urban Outfitter has the best clothes! (Keep your eyes open for their dresses to make appearance in our future Adventures!) 
~Not only do they have the best clothes, the have the best books.  FGM saw quite a few she hopes to equip Jo with before she returns to college!

Questions? Please leave a comment. 
~FGM & Jo

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Antique Adventure

Dear Friends,

One can only imagine all the treasures that can be found in an old antique store.  There are many unique and rare items.  Although each person has their own idea of treasure (note: if I may say so...quite frankly state that, that Shrek cup wasn't an antique or a 'treasure').  According to Webster's Dictionary treasure is wealth that is stored up or hoarded; something of great worth or value; also : a person esteemed as rare or precious. I am quite certain that some of the owners of those shops were just plain hoarders of anything that had even one speck of dust on it.  Other shops had the coolest trinkets and gadgets you've only seen in a 1950's movie.  But then I got to thinking, what is my treasure? Do I store up my wealth (ha my poor college self)? Or maybe I like to think of special people in my life as treasures? 
I then found a bit of treasure in the good ole' Bible... "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Matthew 19:21).  Mom's always said that if I am selfless in different situations that 'an extra jewel will be put in your crown in heaven.' Maybe just maybe she was right this once ;)  Definitely got to re-evaluate my thoughts on treasure... my treasure in this world could be chopped into pieces today, but my treasure in my real home is everlasting.  Depending on which treasure I pick, it could impact my perspective and actions throughout my life.  Where is your treasure?

Adventure Details (see FB for a variety of pictures):
~Went to the Flying Worm Vintage Store and FGM and Jo got matching rustic looking key necklaces
~The Reserve has an abundance of wedding dresses, and Jo had a hard time of picking out just one dress for her wedding. Watch out world, next Bridezilla on Say Yes to the Dress!
~FGM's allergies went kinda crazy from all the dust in that one antique shop
~How old were those live cats in that antique shop?
~Definitely found a secret mini movie theatre that only plays old movies... Looooooove it!
~Stumbled upon the Summer Arts Festival
~Shoutout to the KLEMPS! :)
~Pizza Count: 4 (Someone please remind Jo to write the blog on the Pizza Challenge)
~Seriously, why all the honking downtown?
~Jo won an Oscar!!!!!!!!!!! (see pictures)

Questions? Please leave a comment.

~FGM & Jo

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 8, 2011 Lesson Learned

Throughout life we learn lessons in our daily lives, but they help us grow and learn and they bring us new experiences.
FGM's Lesson of the Day:  Do not play sand volleyball with drunk lesbians.  Need I say more?

~FGM & Jo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Nothing New

Being adventurous and imaginative has always been our thing. Since Jr. High. we've been at it. From sneaking off to find new parks to drinking our pop with glow-stick straws to painting our fake nails at the movie theater, we want to do it ALL. And trust us...we'll do it....One Adventure at a Time.
~FGM & Jo

"The world is but a canvas to the imagination." Henry David Thoreau